Friday, November 9, 2012

Good Quotes

... "my own nefarious reasons." ... "as smooth curve, not smooth like a cat." ... "that's all we care about. I mean not in life, we care about other things in life, but right now." "Either from rigorous considerations or blind faith, you should find it plausible that..." "In the name of simplicity, we will therefore continue to commit such abuses and urge you to do likewise." :D

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Solar Ecplise

This kind of event supposedly happens every 20 years or so, so a few times in one's lifetime. I wanted to watch it with someone, so I ride my bike over to my friend's, hoping she was home. She was, and tired of being indoors and packing, she was ready to go for a walk. She wasn't psyched about it at all, or even cared, but we did go for a walk. Being on the North Coast on all, of course there's a storm system coming in at the end of May, so it was mostly cloudy. However... The reason I'm even posting anything is because I had a particular experience, which is that as we were walking down the street to my most favorite playground in this town, a wind blew the scent of the ocean to us. Yes, we're on the bay and less than five miles from the beach, but in all my years here, I haven't ever smelled the ocean whilein town. It was cool and fresh and just, weird. The fog's in, and just above the marine layer is a real storm, so I can't even see the sun; don't know if it's eclipsed. Don't know anything but that it's the first time I've smelled the ocean on that street, and it was amazing.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Kitchen Scales

Apparently it's all the rage to measure ingredients in dry ounces or grams, rather than by good old volume. It all seems a little ridiculous, though, when we think of all these 'authentic' ethnic foods: Did grand-mère really measure out 700mg of butter for her quiche crust? Did abuelita sort through all the peppers to find one that would bring the mass to 500mg for mole? I see a lot of mg-oz conversions as well, and I swear you've got to be losing 3mg just to rounding, so chill. out.